This post is basically just a reminder for myself if I need to do this again. I’ve been using WP All Import to imports posts into the Shirt List and I think because I imported them as drafts they taxonomy count didn’t update. That means that when I used code to display the number of t-shirts in a custom taxonomy, it often under-represented the actual figure. I used the following code to run a MySql query:
UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET count = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_term_relationships rel LEFT JOIN wp_posts po ON (po.ID = rel.object_id) WHERE rel.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id AND wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy NOT IN ('link_category') AND po.post_status IN ('publish', 'future') )
I found the code on Stack Overflow.
Caution: Use the code at your own risk. Make a site backup before you run any queries.
whoiscall Thnx
Alan Watchorn You’re welcome.